Dr. Reed: I don’t think we’ll ever find this strange creature from the Devonian Period.
Dr. Williams: I agree! This is a waste of time.
Rita: Well, someone just scrawled “You’re a stuck-up trollop for not dating me” on my door, and they used seaweed that comes from this very lagoon.
Dr. Reed: That could have been any one of us.
Back in a more innocent age (except for all the legal racism and sexism), when guys were obnoxious or acted unruly, women would called such cretins a “beast” or even a “monster.”
Nowadays, a variety of monikers is used, such as “creep,” “jerk,” or more recently “incel.” And as hilarious and appropriate as “incel” is for the modern meathead who can’t take a hint, upon reflection triggered by the Halloween spirit, maybe the ladies from the 50s were right all along. Perhaps monster was the correct term to start with.
Take a look at today’s Monster Monday infographic, and see if you can spot which is the coldblooded creature from a bygone epoch, and which is the Creature from the Black Lagoon.