Arguing over the best Simpsons Treehouse of Horror

Some battles are worth fighting. Like protecting the whales, probably. And standing up to some ultra-billionaire when he wants to bulldoze an orphanage to make a three-story habitat for his pet marmoset. But one of the most worthy battles is without a doubt arguing over which is the best story from the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror anthologies.

We’re talking “which Monty Python quote is the funniest” level of importance.
And there’s plenty of battleground for this argument. The Simpsons have been producing a Treehouse of Horror every Halloween since season 2, which means that there are currently (let’s see…number of seasons, minus 1, then multiply by 3 stories…) a LOT of tales of animated terror to choose from.
Interestingly, the creative minds behind the Treehouse of Horror anthologies quickly began to dread them. I went through some ancient Simpsons Season collections on Blu Ray, some of which were produced 20 years ago. During the commentary of the Treehouse of Horror episodes, the writers and artists admit that the pressure to deliver fresh ideas every year so early in the season weighed on them considerably, to the point they weren’t very fun.
But the results were hilarious. Now we have amazing stories like The Devil and Homer Simpson, I Know What You Diddly-iddly-did, Fly vs Fly, and so many more. And a great tradition to get into each Halloween is to fight over which Treehouse of Horror story is the best.

Which is the topic of today’s podcast. The THOH has been around for over three decades now (which, according to one of us, is longer than he has been alive, but he’s dumb and I’m sure you’ll figure out which one thought that by watching), so clearly they’ve had an impact on more than just Gen X. However, we were old enough to enjoy them when they first rolled out, and we’ve watched each and every year since. So if there’s anyone qualified to argue over which is best, it’s us.
Join us, won’t you?